

  • Direct support professionals are trained annually in:
    • CPR
    • OSHA
    • First Aid
    • Seizure First Aid
    • Diabetes Management
    • Feeding Tube Care
    • FATAL 5
    • Pennsylvania Department of Human Services’ medication administration program
  • Training is also provided on a case-by-case basis to any staff/site depending upon the need for a pertinent medical issue or a specific equipment usage in supporting an individual.
  • There is careful collaboration between our staff, medical professionals and individuals & their support circles.
  • We extend a proactive continuity of care model striving to resolve medical issues before they arise.

Health & Safety

The issues of health and safety are of paramount importance to all of us at Twin Trees, Inc. With consistent staff training, we can provide resources to help address health care problems and ensure communication between providers, individuals and their families. We can also support medically complex individuals and accommodate their very specific needs with a well-designed curriculum of care.

Since 2016, in an effort to meet the changing medical needs of our individuals, Twin Trees, Inc. has employed a full time Registered Nurse. In this vital role, our nurse can adequately assist and train the direct support professionals in addressing the very specific medical needs of the individuals we support. Our Agency Nurse also monitors our individuals by incorporating the ODP recommended HRST (high-risk screening tool), conducting head to toe assessments, collaborating day to day with staff and maintaining all licensing requirements, trainings and certifications.  

Health & Safety

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